Eocene Green River Winged Fruit
Flower like winged fruit
cf. Chaneya tenuis
Green River FM (Parachute Creek Mbr)
Middle Eocene
Uintah County, Utah
This is a rare example of a flower-like winged fruit provisionally in the family Simaroubaceae (Soapberry). This genus is characterized by 5 sepals and a dark globular fruit body in the center.

The upper part of the Green River Formation in the eastern Uinta Basin is present in two stratigraphic intervals separated by approximately 250 m of sandstone, siltstone, marlstone and lacustrine limestone (micrite, boundstone, grainstone). The lower sequence, in the Garden Gulch Member, represents an early lacustrine phase of Lake Uinta and consists of approximately 29 m of interbedded clay-rich oil shale, gastropod grainstone and packstone, ostracode grainstone, algal boundstone and calcareous silty claystone. Fish fossils, plant debris, and pelecypods are locally present. Detrital clay minerals (smectite, chlorite and illite) are common and calcite abundance is greater than dolomite. The second oil-shale interval is located in the upper 10 m of the Parachute Creek Member. The Mahogany ledge crops out in the lower 15 m of this sequence. Oil shale in the Parachute Creek Member is a kerogenous dolomicrite (dolomite greater than calcite). Analcime, quartz, K-feldspar, and albite are also common. Illite is the dominant clay mineral. Fossils include insects, insect larvae, and plant debris. Marlstone and volcanic tuff are interstratified with oil shale.